
Thursday, August 21, 2014

First Post--Let's get to it! Internal Strength, Confidence, and Acceptance

This blog took me all of two seconds to make.  Fascinating.

Here, for a paragraph, I will talk about a movie, something I won't be doing much at all in this blog, so feel free to skip.
I am watching Tron Legacy, I absolutely love Olivia Wilde, she keeps it real!  This is one of the few movies I will sit down for and stop what I am doing to stare at the screen.  It's so beautiful.  It's action packed, but also makes me cry?  It's pretty much everything I would want in a movie and more.  I think it is my favorite.  I don't have an qualms about it so far.  I just wish they'd show more at the end with Quora and Sam.  Honestly, I think the guy who plays Sam is probably my favorite action film dude so far (although I haven't seen him in any other movies, so I could be wrong).  He's down-to-earth and he's not show-offy, just gets the job done!  And is admittedly pretty cute!

I haven't decided what I want to use this blog for.  I may write about the cosmetic form of makeup, I may write about what makes up my thoughts, it may be both.  If I decide to do this, I will tag my posts so they can be organized appropriately and one who is interested in one topic or the other can simply click on the tag to find the genre of blog entry they were searching for.  Sorry about that sentence.  You will find here that brevity is not really my strong suit.

Been thinking a lot lately about internal strength.  You know, the stuff that actually counts as long as your physical health is in order.  I feel like a lot of people lack it at the sacrifice of needing acceptance from others.  I think when you are proud of your own thoughts, there is a bravery that comes from within, and while, naturally others' support is great, it's unnecessary.

I think often because I am shy I am perceived as a weak person.  However, know me better and you will see that I actually have to fight to tone down the force behind my opinions.  That isn't a weak person.  I can have so much certainty when it comes to my beliefs--I think long and hard about them and because of that, I become very confident about them.  Sometimes, I will voice an opinion out loud, only to feel guilty about it afterward because the whole room will agree with me and I wonder, are they responding to the logistics behind what I said or the tone?  I think confidence sells people your ideas a lot more often in life than logic, unfortunately.  I also wonder, did I come off too strong?  Do people just not want to argue with me?  I love debating and constructive criticism, and I wish people would kindly go back and forth with me in a logical way, and introduce new opinions.  Just because I am confident about my beliefs, doesn't mean that I think they could be the ultimate, best thing.  I want to learn and I want to be better--I do not want to be always, 'right.'  There's always something new to know, to learn and to grow from, some other thing that makes an issue more complex and could lean it a different way.  We are all babies in this world, too many things to know for any of us to really be ahead of another in any sort of significant way, I think.  While one of us has an experience that teaches them one thing, and they motivate on and learn from that, someone else learned something completely different.  This is why I think arrogant people are hilariously naive and unintelligent, regardless of background.  We all have a collection of things that we grew from in different ways.  Just because you're good at a couple things, doesn't make you royalty.  I want to learn.  And in this, I think this balance I hold can also get me perceived as weak again.  I am both accepting of others and extremely passionate about my beliefs.  I love that about myself.  But if we don't talk about beliefs you would never know that about me.  I will write about them on my facebook though, and frequently!  In hopes that someone in my little crowd of distant companions will relate.

One day it won't bother me so much that I am surrounded by people who really don't get me.  I'm accepting of the fact that they as people do not, but I'm still adjusting to the fact that they are numerous.  That is something everyone must adjust to, at least at times, short or long.  We are all too different and various for it not to be true.  I'll get over it.  I don't feel, 'misunderstood,' but rather, people who don't know me very well aren't able to see the real me.  So duh, they're going to have incorrect perceptions, as I am sure I do of plenty of people.

Oh god, now I am watching a horrible movie called Dragon Emperor or something to that effect.  The, 'Main Man,' seems cocky and ridiculous... I have to turn the tv off.  Sorry to bring up ANOTHER movie, but I had to cliffnote that because it was so hysterically bad.  Why do people think arrogance is attractive?  I hope this doesn't come off as insulting, but in my belief it's because they're either dumb or they're naive and do not know better yet.  Those who are swayed by arrogance should not be trusted, because they are convinced to do and think things based on others' confidence and not logic.  Little sillies.  I can't believe there are so many full-on movies with these arrogant characters.... to me it just screams how much humanity has to grow, or maybe every movie is directed towards children these days?  I think it's a combo of both.

You may find my conclusions here are abrupt as well.  That's how I roll.  I think closure, in my case, is just over-enunciating points I already most-likely over-enunciated as it was, aka a waste of time.  If I can keep it concise, I may have concluding paragraphs every once in a while.  But I enjoy my writing style.  Tell me what you think about it?

TA!!! (short form of ta ta, I just made it up :P )

Edit: Please comment and tell me what you think!!! :)  No judgement zone!  Take care and hope to hear from you! :)

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