
Friday, October 14, 2016

I'm Very Tired

I am becoming resigned to the fact that I can't have everything exactly as I want it, so I will continue to write in this blog with it's, in my opinion crappy, title, and possibly dated youthful entries; that I'm afraid to read; and get over it because, obviously, it shouldn't matter, and I should have realized that all along.  I love that run-on sentence.  It's exactly how I speak, when I'm annoyed my sentences become very blurred together and sardonic.

I am very tired of being polite when things don't go a certain way.
I'm very tired of catering to the whims of people whose values I don't respect.
I'm very tired of everything everyone else is, and I'm not afraid to say it again like many have before me, above the voices of the casual quiet.  I'm not a casual-thinking person.  I never have been and never will be.  I don't want to be.  I don't plan to be.  Things that bother you should be addressed.  Yes, even if they've been before by others.

I'm awake.

I don't want to go to sleep.

I want to address the unaddressed and the dressed.

I keep hoping.

I speak because I have hope.  If I believed in nothing I'd say nothing.  I speak when I know things can be better.

Allow me to speak.

Ignore my format and just read.

It's the message, not the passage.

I am tired.

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